Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Have you ever used the expression "over it" when you're talking? It sort of works like a cuss word, you can squeeze it into many conversations!

For example;

1. Homework, urghhh! OVER IT!
2. Getting up early! OVER IT!
3. Excuse me, what did you say to me? OVER IT!
4. You're a mess! So what! OVER IT!
5. Damn, I'm full! OVER IT!
6. Frickin' traffic! OVER IT!
7. Damn, I forgot to shave, screw it! OVER IT!
8. I'm exhausted! OVER IT!
9. It's HOT! OVER IT!
10. It's COLD! OVER IT!
11. This radio station plays the same crap over and over! OVER IT!
12. Oh, that's your opinion, huh? OVER IT!
13. Creditors! OVER IT!
14. Rat Race...OVER IT!
15. Political Debates...OVER IT!
16. Obama...OVER IT!
17. Being broke. OVER IT!
18. Having a cell phone. OVER IT! (except for texts)
19. Analyzing. OVER IT!
20. Breathing dirt up my nose at ACL for an entire weekend. OVER IT!

Got any to add? Go for it! I'm sure you're OVER something.

Peace Out Peeps!

1 comment:

The Post's said...

Running...over it!
Work......over it!
waking up early......over it!
idiots....over it!
Michael.........over it!haha J/K
Allergies..soooooo over it!
dirt in my nose...definitely over it!

Drinking.....definitely NOT over it!ha