Friday, June 13, 2008

Do You Know These People...

This just crossed my mind this morning when I was on the Alamo Drafthouse website (love that place!) and I saw the ad for Rocky Horror Picture Show...

Isn't it strange that there is still a cult-like following that attends that movie on a regular basis, brings their props (newspapers, water guns, umbrella's, toilet paper, etc.), and watches the movie again and again - not to mention they know every word (pathetically), and can't help themselves but to talk through the entire movie?

Have you ever known one of these freaks?


Now you know one ;) Well I've actually only seen it at the theater once, about 5 years ago. I was raised watching horror movies (demented - I know) and somehow Rocky Horror Picture Show was introduced to me as a child and before I had time to hate it (because it's frickin' weird) I already loved it - and knew every word!

When I went to the theater 5 years ago - I heard that it was a fun experience and since I love doing random activities I figured I'd take my brother (who was also raised watching it) and we'd see how it was.

Well - it was HORRIBLE!!

It was a bunch of freaky teenagers looking for a place to belong in society - and low-and-behold this was their "place" in society - a weekly showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show!! the $1 theater, mind you.

They all came dressed in the costume of their favorite character and would get up in front of the movie screen and act out the part as it played on the big screen - annoying to say the least since I actually enjoy the original actors much more than these kids.

The worst part was when my favorite character Columbia (girl that has the hots for Meatloaf the biker) - was at least 150 pounds heavier than the actual Columbia and she came to the theater wearing a lingerie type bustier (black) and little lingerie black panties.

I'm not a shallow type, but when I have one picture of Columbia in my head - and then I throw 150+ lbs on her and keep her in the same outfit - it's enough to make you a lil' nauseous and embarrassed for the girl not realizing how "whoa" she looked.

As soon as we (my brother and I) see her walk out, we sink lower in our chairs in hopes that no one notices the halfway normal people sitting there laughing (with tears rolling down their faces) at her - I think we were laughing mostly due to being completely uncomfortable and 100% embarrassed for her.

"A poor young girl is blinded by her peers - and is somehow convinced that this was a great idea"

Needless to say, my brother and I left about halfway through the movie since it was killing us to sit there and try to watch one of our favorite movies with a group of crazies standing in front of the screen blocking the view, while toilet paper was being thrown through the room and hitting us on the head - over and over.

It's a horrible experience - unless you like being 100% distracted while watching a movie;) I do have to say - I give that girl some props for pretending no one's watching - but you wouldn't see me up there like that - you'd only see me dressed that way if you were my man, and I was being your bedroom canvas - not at a public theater for the world to see;)

(for the RHPS fans)

Time Warp Chorus

It's just a jump to the left,
and then you step to the riiigggghhht,
put your hands on your hips,
and bring your knees in tiiigghhht,
and do the pelvic thrust,
and then you drive it in-saaaannnee,
let's do the time-warp agaaaiiinnnn!!!!


In the spirit of this "scary" day - I'm going to see "The Happening" (horror flick that just came out today) at the theaters tonight...can't wait!


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