Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Perfect Man

If you could pick only one person in this world to survive through the end of the world with - who would it be? I definitely know my answer!

Is there a special "one" person in your life that you will always hold on a pedestal,

...a person that you can't imagine living life without,

...a person that can bring tears to your eyes with only the thought of them,

...a person who makes you feel centered and at ease when they're around

...a person that loves McDonald's fish sandwiches as much as you do?

Well I definitely have that one person. My Dad!...the perfect man!

I may have a biased opinion since he is my father - but whatever the case he is my #1 love! If I was only allowed one person to trudge through life with, it would be him!! When people talk of unconditional love - that is exactly what we have.

I have put him through some tough times; like moving to Texas (from Michigan), having a crazy manipulative boyfriend that was introducing me to tons of "wrong" paths for about 4 years, etc. - but I thank him for being there for me and listening to my stories no matter how much he loved or hated hearing them. He has definitely always been there when I've needed him most!

He has worked so hard for his family and has provided us with the stability a family needs to grow and become successful! Even if he wasn't completely satisfied with the way things were going, he never gave up on the family!

My dad is a HUGE sports fan - so much so, that he and my sports finatic grandmother put me in hockey when I was 4 yrs. old...haha!! You should see the picture of me in my hockey gear - it's hilarious! I was the first child of my father's and everyone was anticipating a boy (with the name Reed...yuck...glad I was a girl...haha!), then I popped out and they thought - that'll work, just give her a hockey stick, skates and a helmet, she'll be fine! Well, until I busted my lip a half a dozen times on the metal chair I was pushing around the ice rink...haha! I would've rather learned to be the zamboni driver than the skater (don't know what a zamboni is - look it up). Needless to say, my hockey career abruptly ended. Lucky me, my dad had a son (Ryan) about 7 years later and he's been in hockey since he was 2 yrs. old (he's 21 now) my dad got his boy;)

I can also give him credit for making me ambidextrous (using both hands). I was born a lefty so I do all articulate activities with my left hand (writing, eating, etc.) but because my dad was always teaching/playing sports with me and since he is right-handed, I would copy his form in throwing baseballs, footballs, etc. which has made me right-handed in almost every sport (except shooting pool...I'm ambidextrous when I play pool - oooo, I must be good then, huh?...haha!).

Anywho, I was just thinking last night in bed, that if I could have one dream fulfilled (besides teaching English overseas) what would it be? - and it is most definitely to have my father closer than 1200-1400 miles away. If I could have any wish it would be to wish him to Texas!!!

Dad, this is for you (even though you don't know to read my blog...haha!)


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