Friday, June 6, 2008

Just Being a Kid...

It's funny remembering when I was a kid and all the things I did to entertain myself - I'm sure we all have funny childhood memories - here are a couple of mine (I could go on all day!)

Picture this...

Me and my sister (we were about the same age - step sister of course, not twins) were at my grandparents house in Michigan and we were trying to entertain ourselves since they didn't have any toys there - so we climbed to the top of the stairs and decided to come up with as many ways to go down the stairs as possible.

We take turns - we walk down head first with our hands, slide down on a blanket (somehow you'd always lose the blanket before you got to the bottom), scoot down on our butts step-by-step, etc. - then I'm up next to get creative and we've sort of run out of ideas - then I think "HEY!! I KNOW!! HOW ABOUT A SOMERSAULT DOWN THE STAIRS" - I quickly found out that the real name for a somersault down the stairs was called...


So, I "fell" down the stairs - landed at the bottom completely disoriented (I swear little birds were flying around my head), and as I regain my focus my sister is standing there pointing her finger at me and laughing her ASS off!! So, to avoid even more embarrassment I went ahead and laughed along with her - needless to say, I've never done that again!

How about the infamous game of Hide-and-Seek!

MAN! I was the BEST hide-er in probably the entire 2nd grade!! One day me and my sister decided we'd like to play hide-n-seek - so we played a couple of rounds when it became my turn again to hide.

I thought "I'm gonna find the best hiding place in this whole house and she'll never find me!" So I start running around the house looking for that perfect place to hide while she's counting down - the stress is on... "8, 7, 6 , 5..." then I notice my dresser sitting there and realize that I'm small enough to squeeze underneath, and I think she'll never know to look there!

So, as I panic because she's almost to "1" I cram my head under the dresser, scraping the shit out of it (there were some artsy wood designs that had sharp points on them), and eventually got underneath - WOOHOO, she'll never find me! There were multiple times that I saw my sisters feet walk past me and just like I thought - she had no clue!

Then she decided she didn't feel like looking for me anymore (that's how AWESOME I was...haha!) so I started to get out, when I quickly realized I couldn't push my head back out (oh shit!). Then I think "how the hell ("heck" probably since I was in the 2nd grade) did I get under here, if I can't get out? must've been the stress of the countdown that made me work harder at it" - so then I start yelling for my sister to come help me out - and there she is again - laughing her ass off and pointing her finger at me...(do you see a pattern yet...haha!) Eventually I got out (somehow?).

But no worries - I eventually had the opportunity to laugh at her! It was when she decided to hide in the washing machine. She wrapped her legs around the center pole and sat indian style inside, then when she tried to pull herself out when I found her, she couldn't get her legs undone...haha!!! That was my time to point and laugh!!

Love ya sis!!

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